
Project News

MOReDeP- JICA Supports Zambia’s Commitment to Double Rice Production

MOReDeP- Kawambwa District Sees Rise in Rice Production

MOReDeP- Rice Seeds are distributed to farmers in the Western province

MOReDeP- Luapula’s Initiative to Support Farmers’ “Rice Production as a Business”

MOReDeP- Rice Stakeholders Forum to Reduce Market Information Gaps

MOReDeP conducted a rice seed production training for famers in Luapula

MOReDeP- Annual Rice Researchers Meeting took place in ZARI Mt.Makulu

MOReDeP- Promoting Agricultural Mechanization for Rice Production

MOReDeP showcases Climate-Smart Agriculture Innovations at the ZARI’s National Reseach Field Day

MOReDeP conducted Market-Oriented Rice Production Training in the Western province

MOReDeP- Interview with a PAO who completed his study in Japan

MOReDeP’s Training of Trainers in the Western Province

MOReDeP- A research paper on RYMV (Rice Yellow Mottle Virus) has been published

MOReDeP- Market-Oriented Rice Production training programs began in Western and Luapula

MOReDeP- Quality rice seeds were harvested in Mansa

MOReDeP promotes mechanised rice production in Chitambo

MOReDeP- Improving rice seeds in Zambia

MOReDeP- Rice seeds are ready to harvest!

MOReDeP conducts refresher trainings on rice farming in Luapula

MOReDeP conducts training for ZARI staff on rice farming machines

MOReDeP participated in ZARI’s Open and Field Day

MOReDeP- Government identifies rice as a key crop