By JOSIAH MPOFU GOVERNMENT has called for 100 percent utilisation of irrigation schemes across the country to boost agricultural productivity. Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick
The Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) is a Department in the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) which conducts Agricultural Research. The major focus of ZARI is to generate agricultural production technologies suitable for all farmer categories and varying farming environments. Greater attention, is however, given to small-scale and emergent farmers whose ability to access information on existing technologies is rather limited.
The Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) is mandated to conduct public good agricultural research in soils and crops and provide associated services to farmers and other stakeholders.
The overall objective of ZARI is to generate and adapt crop and soil technologies in order to increase agricultural productivity and diversify production. To realize this objective, ZARI conducts research and provides services in four thematic areas:
i) Crop Improvement and Agronomy, which deals with the development and adaptation of appropriate crop varieties (food and cash crops) and agronomic technologies for all categories of farmers in different agro-ecological regions of Zambia.
ii) Soils and Water management, which deals with development, adaptation and promotion of appropriate soil and water management options that are aimed at improving and sustaining crop production and provision of soil advisory services to farmers.
iii) Plant Protection and Quarantine, which deals with the development and adaptation of appropriate pre and post-harvest technologies aimed at prevention and/or minimizing crop losses due to pests, conserving nutritional value and prolonging shelf-life of food crops, provision of pest and disease diagnostics as well as phytosanitary services.
iv) Farming Systems and Social Sciences, which deals with adaptation of relevant, socio-economic and gender-sensitive technologies.
Crop Improvement and Agronomy, which deals with the development and adaptation of appropriate crop varieties (food and cash crops) and agronomic technologies for all categories of farmers in different agro-ecological regions of Zambia.
Crop Improvement and Agronomy, which deals with the development and adaptation of appropriate crop varieties (food and cash crops) and agronomic technologies for all categories of farmers in different agro-ecological regions of Zambia
Wheat is an important cereal crop, second after maize in terms of production and consumption. As a country, we are not yet self-sufficient hence in 2021, wheat shortage of about 50, 000 MT was recorded. Therefore, 100, 000 MT of wheat was imported to cover the deficit.
Sorghum is an important traditional cereal for the resource poor farmers in Zambia. It is grown in areas usually not suitable for Maize production. It is an important cereal crop for food at household level in marginal areas.
National Plant Genetic Resources Center Team
The NPGRC programme was initiated for the purpose of ensuring the maintenance of genetic diversity that occurs in our indigenous and locally adapted agricultural and horticultural crops, their wild relatives as well as entire range of wild plant species which are utilized in one way or the other. The plant genetic diversity now available is a common natural heritage which must be conserved for both present and future use.
Tree Crops
Trees and Plantation Research Team has the potential of improving the economy of Zambia by exporting horticultural fruits such as Avocados, Oranges and Bananas
Maize is the most important staple food in Zambia, accounting for more than 70% of the carbohydrates in the diets of many Zambians. Now maize can be used to provide Pro-vitamin A, lysine and tryptophan besides calories. In Zambia, productivity, production and area cultivated for Maize fluctuates due biotic and abiotic stresses.
The Farming System team deals with the entire complex of development, management and allocation of resources as well as all decisions and activities that fall within an operational farm unit that result in agriculture production
The farming system approach has been used by the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) since 1980. The Farming System team deals with the entire
complex of development, management and allocation of resources as well as all decisions and activities that fall within an operational farm unit that result in agriculture production. The Farming System division works closely with commodity Specialist Research Teams (CSRTs) in other sections as well as with field services and in whole, ensures social-economic suitability of technologies generated for adoption by the CSRTs for small holder farmers.
Plant Protection Division deals with the development and adaptation of appropriate pre and post-harvest technologies aimed at prevention and/or minimizing crop losses due to pests, conserving nutritional value and prolonging shelf-life of food crops, provision of pest and disease diagnostics
The mandate of the team is to generate and adapt disease management technologies and provide disease identification and advisory service to the farming community and other stakeholders for increased crop productivity.
The main focus of the team is on Cereals, bio-control, root and tuber, and weeds
The mandate is to generate and adapt appropriate technologies which facilitate reduction of post-harvest losses and enhancing broad utilization of food crops
Soils and Water management, which deals with development, adaptation and promotion of appropriate soil and water management options that are aimed at improving and sustaining crop production and provision of soil advisory services to farmers.
The mandate of the team is to exploit plant-microbe interactions to improve soil health, plant nutrition and boost crop productivity in Regions I & II of Zambia.
Services offered include:
Improving soil fertility management through Integrated Soil Fertility management
Services: soil, plant, water chemistry analyses.
By JOSIAH MPOFU GOVERNMENT has called for 100 percent utilisation of irrigation schemes across the country to boost agricultural productivity. Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick
By Josiah Mpofu The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the Market Oriented Rice Development project (MOReDeP) has engaged over 17,000 farmers in rice production.
By Jonas Miselo Kawambwa District Agricultural Coordinator, Steven Musonda, has highlighted a significant increase in rice production within the district, a success attributed to
In Zambia Agriculture plays a key role of supporting industries by the production of the required raw materials , producing exportable agricultural goods, generating employment particularly in rural areas, as well as providing food stuffs essential for the sustenance of acceptable nutrition standards and levels.
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